Field Management System

Fops is a field management system software designed to leverage technology to meet the growing needs of the security industry.

Field Management SystemOur Solutions

The Field Management System is the easiest way to manage your field operations in the most effective and efficient manner. Explore our various field management system solutions and modules.

Operation Management System

You can adjust all tasks your employees will perform in the field according to your working method. Fops provides information flow in the desired details for routine tasks, daily tasks, and each event.

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Field Inspection System

For companies providing services with many field employees, it is possible to monitor how efficiently the field workers perform their jobs and how well they comply with the rules specified in the contracts with the clients they serve.

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Tour Control System

This module is designed to plan and ensure the execution of routine tasks in the field according to the plan. This module, which is vital for field workers, ensures that all vulnerabilities in the field are instantly visible and reportable.

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PDKS System

This application is developed to track the check-in and check-out times of field employees, especially in companies. Personnel working hours can be tracked on a shift basis.

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Multi-Location Management

Allows you to customize all locations you have specifically. Many operations such as people to work, special reports, special alerts, special shifts can be arranged on a location basis.

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Multi-Location Management

Using the multi-location management module with the Field Management System, you can add all locations belonging to your company to the system and manage these locations effectively from a single place. This feature provides overall control of your field operations and makes your management processes more efficient.

Location-Based Planning

Inspection and event reporting, tour and to-do list planning specific to the location.

Location-Based Customization

Adding users, authorization, and real-time notifications specific to locations.

Side view of hands holding a map
3D view map
Social media communication concept
Shift Tracking Image
Shift Tracking

The field management system is an application developed to track the check-in and check-out times of field staff, especially for companies. This system allows personnel working hours to be tracked and managed on a shift basis.

  • Users can check in and out of shifts via mobile devices.
  • Data can be monitored live 24/7.
  • Missing or excess overtime can be calculated daily, weekly, or monthly.
  • Tolerance can be added to overtime hours (+,-) using the rounding method.
  • Exporting in multiple formats will provide companies with archiving capability.
Tour-Patrol Tracking

The Tour-Patrol Tracking module of the Field Management System is designed to plan and ensure the execution of routine field operations. This module, crucial for security firms, will allow real-time visibility and reporting of security vulnerabilities occurring on-site.

  • Patrols and tours can be defined for clients served in the field from a single center.
  • Checkpoints will be determined using QR codes and GPS technology with mobile devices, and issues can be reported instantly.
  • The notification system can inform designated users in detail about the Tour-Patrol.
  • In cases of imminent danger, alerts can be sent to all location users and the company's central office via an alarm system using mobile devices.
  • Data can be monitored live 24/7.
  • Example incident reports can be created for security personnel. Prepared reports will be sent to relevant individuals immediately.
  • Clients can view activities at their locations in real-time.
  • Exporting in multiple formats provides archiving capability for companies.
Tour-Patrol Tracking Image
Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ section contains the most frequently asked questions about the field management system, helping users better understand the system.

FOPS is a field management system designed specifically to control and manage security personnel efficiently. It consists of shift, patrol, inspection, and visitor applications working together simultaneously.

The field management system is managed by an admin user. Its dynamic structure allows it to be adjusted according to the working order requested by the company. The created shift arrangements, patrol points, times, frequencies, and inspections for personnel or customers are carried out through applications. Information coming from applications is analyzed in the system, and desired reports are sent to the desired user instantly. Also, management application users can track their locations in real-time.

There is no need to purchase a special device for the applications; field applications work on all Android devices. Access to the management application is available from both Android and iOS devices.

When you join the FOPS Field Management System, there is no limit to the number of customers, locations, users, inspections, reports, control points, etc. for your company. When you register, you will have a specific number of licenses depending on the package you choose.

In the FOPS system, you need to allocate a module-specific license for each module attached to the device used in the field. Each license created for Visitor, Patrol, Inspection, and Shift applications is unique and cannot be used on other devices. However, there is no need for a license for the Management Application; you can log in using your user information after downloading the app.

No, no training is required to use the applications in the FOPS system. When you enter the system, the applications will show users what needs to be done. Users can easily use the applications with a brief explanation of a few minutes.

All surveys in the FOPS system are created by the admin. This allows you to create the reports, inspections, task lists, or surveys according to your working model.

You can create a specific arrangement for your routine tasks within the application, assigning tasks to desired locations, tours, control points, or personnel. Field staff will receive notifications and reminders related to their tasks based on this information.

With the role module in the field management system, you can create new roles and assign various permissions within the application to these roles. This way, the permissions that users in the desired role can access will be entirely under your control.

With the notification module in FOPS, you can send notifications either to a single person or to multiple people. You can send bulk or individual notifications based on filters such as region, province, district, or project, and communicate your message to field staff.

Tours can be conducted without an internet connection using the offline mode available in our applications. Staff only need to be connected to the internet to start and end the tour.

Can I test the application before making a choice?

We view the security companies we work with as partners rather than customers. Therefore, special modifications can be made to your company based on the incoming requests.

What is Field Management?
Field Management is a field that allows for easier decision-making and implementation of general strategies and decisions by management to ensure that businesses can survive under changing market conditions. Businesses act in a planned manner to make a profit and maintain profitability. These plans often remain solely on the management side and may not be successfully implemented in the field. To achieve their main objectives, businesses need to communicate field operations to management on a daily basis and make the workflow routine. Responsibilities and tasks must be defined from the top to the bottom of the business process, and the right control tools must be successfully integrated into the field. Implementing field management is essential for improving field activity performance and making it sustainable.
What is a Field Management System?
A Field Management System is an innovative technology-based management module designed as an effective solution for controlling, reporting, and managing all field operations. The software provides a workflow to increase the productivity of all personnel working under the company or organization. Increased productivity positively affects customer satisfaction, enabling the business to become profitable. The real-time reporting and notification features of the field management system allow managers to make informed decisions. The main goal of the system is to enable managers to be easily active in all field services. This allows top-level managers to offer the best solutions at the lowest cost.
How is Field Management Done?
Field management starts with establishing a connection between daily operational life and upper management. Product or service activities within the organization need to be reported directly and in real-time to upper management. Management must make decisions and quickly implement them based on the previously determined business program. In this context, it is necessary to establish a manager-personnel connection through the field management system. Creating a daily goal management and improvement program for the business is the cornerstone of field management. Daily goal management includes field management and development, as well as the importance of forming long-term goals. Monthly management processes and job tracking establish a connection between daily and long-term business processes. In this context, field management is necessary to achieve the main objectives of the business and take action accordingly.
Why is Field Control Done?
Field control is performed to address control, reporting, and management needs in all locations of the business's field operations. It is necessary for top managers to conduct field control and take action accordingly to increase productivity. Shortcomings and losses in product or service activities can be addressed or real-time decisions can be made. Field control is also necessary to achieve daily, monthly, and annual goals. It is crucial that operational activities are integrated with management parameters and that any resulting losses are displayed in real-time. In this context, field control needs to be conducted regularly and dynamically and accepted as part of the business process.
Where Can a Field Management System Be Used?
Field management systems can be used in institutions and organizations such as profit-oriented or non-profit schools, branches, or embassies under the product or service scope. Since the main goal of the system is to determine operational objectives and integrate with management, it can be effectively used in all businesses. Additionally, it can be preferred for managing field operations in businesses that employ many personnel and need multi-location management, such as factories, mines, and shopping malls.
What Are the Advantages of a Field Operation Management System?
Businesses strive to efficiently manage their personnel and management staff and to make operational processes routine. Although they try to create a new unit to ensure routine and orderly operations, issues such as miscommunication, delays, and incomplete information can arise. At this point, field operation management systems like Fops emerge as a technological solution to make operations routine and manage field service operations. By adopting field operation management systems, a relationship between the business and its personnel is established. A routine work program is formed, and monitoring the program strengthens the bond between the business and its customers. It helps connect employees at all levels of the company with managers while contributing to more innovative interactions with customers.