FOPS | Tour Control System

  • Fops
  • / Tour Control System

Dynamic Form

Add Checkpoints

Add checkpoints to tours to ensure they are monitored.

  • To-Do List
  • QR Code and GPS
Points System

Incident Reports

Staff can report incidents in their location.

  • Photo Requirement
  • Panic Button

Field Operations Management System

1 +

Location Management

1 +

Happy Users

7 / 24 Support


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What is the Tour Control System?

The Tour Control System is designed for businesses with multiple locations or personnel working in the field to plan routine tasks. The system lists tasks for personnel and managers according to the business's plan. It helps monitor field vulnerabilities and reports incidents occurring at locations.

What Does the Tour Control System Software Do?

The Tour Control System software helps identify whether designated locations and times are being monitored. It ensures security personnel and staff complete their duties without leaving their assigned area. The system dynamically reports the time, location, and tasks performed, saving time and minimizing personnel errors.

What Are the Benefits of the Tour Control System?

The system benefits include planning patrols, assigning tasks, tracking tasks, real-time reporting of incidents, and photo requirements at specified locations. It helps streamline the planning and assignment process while minimizing personnel errors. The user-friendly interface makes operations controlled and supervised.

Where Can the Tour Control System Be Used?

The system can be used in any business with personnel, such as factories, mines, and shopping malls. It is also suitable for security companies with multiple locations and can be integrated into special operations for managing and controlling locations, such as embassies, schools, and large offices.